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لشكر Assalimi
اعلم اخي عضو المنتدى والزائر الكريم ان ما اقوم به شخصيا وجميع محللي المنتدى هو تحليل فني بحت مبني على توقعات فنيه تصيب وتخطي يمكنك الاسترشاد بها وليست دعوة للبيع أو الشراء وقرارك يخصك تتحمله انت فقط وليس أي من المحللين او المنتدى
لشكر زهران الدوسي
اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وسلم تسليما كثيرا إلى يوم الدين
لشكر Assalimi
Why Is the Moving Average (MA) Important for Traders and Analysts
Updated Jun 25, 2019
Moving averages come from statistical analysis. Their most basic function is to create a series of average values of different subsets of the full data set. A natural complement to any time series interpretation, a moving average can smooth out the noise of random outliers and emphasize long-term trends. Technical analysts and stock market traders use moving averages in an enormous number of tools, many of which would not be possible without their application. Few indicators have been as reliable.
The prices of securities and values of indexes are volatile and unpredictable, forcing traders to look for any advantage that enables them to reduce risk and increase the likelihood of profit. The fundamental assumption of technical analysis holds that past performance can inform future movements. Moving averages play a central role in the determination of past price trends.
Several different kinds of moving average calculations exist, but all of them are used to plot a line against either a price chart or another indicator. The direction and slope of moving average lines inform investors about the relationship between historical data values and present data values. The trading concepts of divergence, confirmation, overbought and oversold, support and resistance, and many others have their roots in moving average analysis.
The flexibility of moving averages allows them to be used to analyze other moving averages. A coon strategy among chartists and analysts involves plotting two moving average lines of different time intervals and interpreting their relationship to spot trends, forecast price movements, and place trades. Moving average crossovers have subsequently become the focus of an entire subset of technical indicators.
اعلم اخي عضو المنتدى والزائر الكريم ان ما اقوم به شخصيا وجميع محللي المنتدى هو تحليل فني بحت مبني على توقعات فنيه تصيب وتخطي يمكنك الاسترشاد بها وليست دعوة للبيع أو الشراء وقرارك يخصك تتحمله انت فقط وليس أي من المحللين او المنتدى
لشكر Assalimi
المقال علاه يتكلم عن اهمية المتوسطات التي يقلل من اهميتها مرجف القيعان ومطبل القمم
الزبده لونتها بالاحمر
باختصار يقول المتوسطات تدرس الماضي وتقارنه بالحاضر لفهم المستقبل
وهذا هو التحليل
اعلم اخي عضو المنتدى والزائر الكريم ان ما اقوم به شخصيا وجميع محللي المنتدى هو تحليل فني بحت مبني على توقعات فنيه تصيب وتخطي يمكنك الاسترشاد بها وليست دعوة للبيع أو الشراء وقرارك يخصك تتحمله انت فقط وليس أي من المحللين او المنتدى
لشكر التميےمـيے™
وهنا تحدث عن الفرق بين المتوسطات على اليومي وعلى الشهري او الاسبوعي
The price won't always "respect" the moving average in this way. The price may run through it slightly or stop and reverse prior to reaching it.
As a general guideline, if the price is above a moving average, the trend is up. If the price is below a moving average, the trend is down. However, moving averages can have different lengths (discussed shortly), so one MA may indicate an uptrend while another MA indicates a downtrend
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