14-09-2017, 11:54 PM
الوطن لا يباع ولا يشترى ولا نجد من يساوم على بيع وطنه وأهله ألا من انحرف عن جادة الحق والاخلاق الساميه وخان
وطنه وعروبته واهله .
نعم ايها الاخوه الوطن كالام الحنون ، والوطن مهما ابتعدنا عنه يبقى يعيش في اعماق قلوبنا ونفديه بأرواحنا ولا نسمح بالعبث به من اجل فئه ضاله تحركها ايادي مجوسيه غادره .
نعم ايها الاخوه انها الحرب التي تعهد بها حكام طهران الانجاس بكل الوسائل المتاحه لهم من تجنيد من لا ولاء له ولا يسري بعروقه الدم العربي وخان بلاد الحرمين وانضم في صفوف الفرس ذليلا صاغرا امامهم
ولكن هيهات فالمملكه العربيه السعوديه شامخه بمواطنيها الشرفاء الذين رضو حكم أسره مبدأها كتاب الله وسنة رسوله الكريم وهاهو سلمان العزم والحزم يفتت احلام الفرس ويدمر اطماعهم في جعل المملكه فوضى وضعيفه هزيله امامهم
ويحاولون بكل طاقاتهم ان يشوهون صوره المملكه ولكن احلامهم ذهبت ادراج الرياح واصبحو يتوارون وراء فئه ضاله
تقبع في لندن تدعو للفتنه وتخريب البلاد الوحيده التي ارسى قواعدها الملك المؤسس وتحكم بالشريعه الاسلاميه الغراء
من يدعو للحراك والتظاهر في يوم ١٥ سبتمبر هو انسان باع دينه قبل وطنه لعصابات طهران التي تحركهم وتزين لهم اعمالهم ولن يفلحو ابدا لان كيد الشيطان ضعيفا ولن يصمد امام الحق الذي اصبح جليا للعالم أجمع واتضحت الرؤيه والمؤامره القذره الفاشله التي تحاك ضد المملكه العربيه السعوديه شعبا وقياده .
حفظك الله يا وطني .
The homeland is not sold nor bought, nor can we find anyone who bargains for the sale of his homeland and his people, unless he deviates from the seriousness of truth,
His homeland, his Arabism and his people.
Yes, brother, the homeland is like the compassionate mother, and the nation, no matter how far away from it, lives in the depths of our hearts and souls, and we do not allow it to be tampered with for the sake of its evil, driven by the hands of the departed.
Yes, brothers, this is the war that the rulers of Tehran committed to evangelize by all the means available to them from recruiting those who do not have loyalty to him. He does not apply to Arab blood. He betrayed the land of the Two Holy Mosques and joined the ranks of the Persians.
However, Saudi Arabia is proud of its honorable citizens, who gave the rule of its families the principle of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Noble Messenger. And here is Salman, the determination and the firmness that dissolves the dreams of the Persians and destroys their greed to make the kingdom a mess and weak.
And try with all their power to distort the image of the Kingdom, but their dreams went out of the wind and turned into a shadow
Lies in London calling for sedition and subversion of the only country whose bases laid the founding king and governed by Islamic law glue
Whoever calls for mobility and demonstration on 15 September is a man who sold his religion before his homeland to the bands of Tehran, which moves them and adorns them with their works and will never prosper because the devil's hand is weak and will not stand up to the truth that became clear to the whole world. The vision and the dirty and failed conspiracy that was forged against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became a people and leadership. .
God save you, my homeland from all evil
وطنه وعروبته واهله .
نعم ايها الاخوه الوطن كالام الحنون ، والوطن مهما ابتعدنا عنه يبقى يعيش في اعماق قلوبنا ونفديه بأرواحنا ولا نسمح بالعبث به من اجل فئه ضاله تحركها ايادي مجوسيه غادره .
نعم ايها الاخوه انها الحرب التي تعهد بها حكام طهران الانجاس بكل الوسائل المتاحه لهم من تجنيد من لا ولاء له ولا يسري بعروقه الدم العربي وخان بلاد الحرمين وانضم في صفوف الفرس ذليلا صاغرا امامهم
ولكن هيهات فالمملكه العربيه السعوديه شامخه بمواطنيها الشرفاء الذين رضو حكم أسره مبدأها كتاب الله وسنة رسوله الكريم وهاهو سلمان العزم والحزم يفتت احلام الفرس ويدمر اطماعهم في جعل المملكه فوضى وضعيفه هزيله امامهم
ويحاولون بكل طاقاتهم ان يشوهون صوره المملكه ولكن احلامهم ذهبت ادراج الرياح واصبحو يتوارون وراء فئه ضاله
تقبع في لندن تدعو للفتنه وتخريب البلاد الوحيده التي ارسى قواعدها الملك المؤسس وتحكم بالشريعه الاسلاميه الغراء
من يدعو للحراك والتظاهر في يوم ١٥ سبتمبر هو انسان باع دينه قبل وطنه لعصابات طهران التي تحركهم وتزين لهم اعمالهم ولن يفلحو ابدا لان كيد الشيطان ضعيفا ولن يصمد امام الحق الذي اصبح جليا للعالم أجمع واتضحت الرؤيه والمؤامره القذره الفاشله التي تحاك ضد المملكه العربيه السعوديه شعبا وقياده .
حفظك الله يا وطني .
The homeland is not sold nor bought, nor can we find anyone who bargains for the sale of his homeland and his people, unless he deviates from the seriousness of truth,
His homeland, his Arabism and his people.
Yes, brother, the homeland is like the compassionate mother, and the nation, no matter how far away from it, lives in the depths of our hearts and souls, and we do not allow it to be tampered with for the sake of its evil, driven by the hands of the departed.
Yes, brothers, this is the war that the rulers of Tehran committed to evangelize by all the means available to them from recruiting those who do not have loyalty to him. He does not apply to Arab blood. He betrayed the land of the Two Holy Mosques and joined the ranks of the Persians.
However, Saudi Arabia is proud of its honorable citizens, who gave the rule of its families the principle of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Noble Messenger. And here is Salman, the determination and the firmness that dissolves the dreams of the Persians and destroys their greed to make the kingdom a mess and weak.
And try with all their power to distort the image of the Kingdom, but their dreams went out of the wind and turned into a shadow
Lies in London calling for sedition and subversion of the only country whose bases laid the founding king and governed by Islamic law glue
Whoever calls for mobility and demonstration on 15 September is a man who sold his religion before his homeland to the bands of Tehran, which moves them and adorns them with their works and will never prosper because the devil's hand is weak and will not stand up to the truth that became clear to the whole world. The vision and the dirty and failed conspiracy that was forged against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became a people and leadership. .
God save you, my homeland from all evil